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Michelle Yeoh Conquers the Universe(s)

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Somewhere, in one of the gazillion strands of the cat’s cradle of multiverses, there may be a global wherein Michelle Yeoh does now not begin ballet instructions at the age of four. The Malaysian actor comes to a decision no longer visit England to have a look at dance, with the aim of becoming a prima ballerina sooner or later, and avoids suffering a returned harm that forces her to abandon her dream. The alt-universe Yeoh in question then does now not enter a beauty contest and win. A right

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How to Host a Childfree Wedding!

How to Host a Childfree Wedding
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I'm a bit bit peculiar in relation to my ideals about weddings. I agree with that a wedding must be as a whole lot of an expression of your identity as a couple as it is a celebration. I also believe that weddings should normally now not be places in which people deliver youngsters. A wedding is a celebration that is pleasant for people who recognize what's occurring here and I'm sorry, most children underneath 5 do not know what a marriage entails. When I have my wedding ceremony, it'll be

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The World’s Most Tax Friendly Cities!

The World’s Most Tax Friendly Cities
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Ready to place some of that difficult earned coins lower back into your financial institution account? We are. While we agree taxes are a vital evil in life, we hate looking we hate looking a large bite of it pass proper out the window earlier than it even lands in our bank account. Here are the maximum tax-pleasant cities from around the globe. Taken from a comprehensive examine of world tax burdens, organized by using KPMG, these are the pinnacle towns frmo around the sector with the small

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হিজাব পরায় ছাত্রীদের পেটালেন স্কুল শিক্ষিকা

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গতকাল বুধবার '৬ এপ্রিল' দুপুরে এ ঘটনা ঘটে। পরে ছাত্রীরা স্কুল ছেড়ে বাড়িতে গিয়ে বিষয়টি তাদের অভিভাবকদের জানালে এলাকায় তোলপাড় শুরু হয়। এ ঘটনায় অভিভাবকেরা ক্ষোভে ফেটে পড়েন। এর জেরে কয়েকশ অভি�

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‘পুলিশ বাদে মহাসড়কে চাঁদাবাজি করলে দায়-দায়িত্ব নেবে না পুলিশ’

‘পুলিশ বাদে মহাসড়কে চাঁদাবাজি করলে দায়-দায়িত্ব নেবে না পুলিশ’
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ফরিদপুরের ভাঙ্গা হাইওয়ে থানা পুলিশের সংবাদ সম্মেলনের লিখিত বক্তব্যের শেষ বাক্য ব্যাপক আলোচিত হচ্ছে। ওই দুই লাইনে লেখা ছিল, ‘হাইওয়ে থানা পুলিশ ব্যতীত অন্য কোনো সংগঠন বা ব্যক্তি মহাসড়ক�

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১০ ধরনের মানুষের ওপর রোজা ফরজ নয় !

Fasting is not obligatory on 10 types of people
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রোজা ইসলামের একটি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ স্তম্ভ। "মুসলমানদের" জন্য হিজরী বছরের নবম মাস, রমজান মাস, যে মাসে পবিত্র কুরআন নাযিল হয়েছিল, সে মাসে রোজা রাখা ফরজ। রমজান ছাড়া অন্য কোনো মাসে ফরজ রোজা নেই। র

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Thomas Tuchel Sends Warning To His Chelsea Team After Home Loss To Real Madrid

Thomas Tuchel Sends Warning To His Chelsea Team After Home Loss To Real Madrid
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Chelsea manager Thomas Tuchel has warned his crew to forget approximately Real Madrid for now and consciousness of installing a suitable performance for their next Premier League game. Tuchel watched his side lose 3-1 to Real at Stamford Bridge in the first leg of their Champions League region-very last. The 2nd leg will take vicinity in Madrid on Tuesday, April 12, but first Chelsea visit Southampton on Saturday. Chelsea's defeat by using Real became their second home loss in five day

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Obama tweets to shop face after embarrassing Biden video surfaces

Obama tweets to shop face after embarrassing Biden video surfaces
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Former President Barack Obama tweeted help for President Biden Tuesday nighttime quickly after an embarrassing video emerged from a health care event the 2 hosted in advance within the day. Obama visited the White House, for the primary time given that leaving office in 2017, in which he and Biden hosted a fitness care occasion in which they touted the Affordable Care Act and discussed options for making health care more low-priced. The former presidential duo become united again beneath

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Biden Likely To Extend The Student Loan Payment Pause Here’s Why

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Millions of federal student loan debtors have not had to pay their student loans for over two years. But the charge pause is about to give up on May 1, which is in only 26 days. There are growing signs that Biden is possible to increase the scholar mortgage payment pause once more, even though so far, there may be nothing reliable. Here’s where things stand. Student Loan Payment Pause Expires in 26 daysThe CARES Act, which Congress enacted in March 2020 in response to the Covid-19 pandemic

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শাকিব-পূজা জুটির ‘গলুই’ ছবির টিজার প্রকাশ

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ঢাকাই সিনেমার পোস্টর বয় শাকিব খান। এবার ঈদে তার অভিনীত দুইটি সিনেমা মুক্তি ঘোষণা এসেছে। এরমধ্য ‘গলুই’ সিনেমা প্রচারণা শুরু করে দিয়েছে। আজ মঙ্গলবার সন্ধ্যা সাড়ে ৭টায় ‘গলুই’ সিনেমার ইউটি�